Sunday, July 06, 2008


In the last weeks I had to accept that my vacation is over. It was very difficult for various reasons. The main reason was the time between arrival and going back to work. It was only 2 days. As I need some kind of structure in my life it was hard work to overcome that change. But at work they had changed the whole department a week before I returned. The majority of the employees work in 3 different teams. The 3 teams have their own room.
For finance, which isn't part of any team, was no room left so my colleague and I were placed in the room of the team which had some free space. It was the noisiest place I've ever been.

My colleague has spent a week on our new workplace and wasn't happy with it at all. He told our department manager about his problem with the new spot. It didn't help. My co-worker felt that our manager didn't listen seriously.
A week later I returned and heard about his complaint, the problem, frustration and the problem between 2 other colleagues who planned the removal. (one can be weak if one stands alone). Wednesday, 3 day's after returning, I told my colleague that I got to talk with our manager about the spot where we ought to work. Thursday I sat somewhere else and Friday too. Our manager came to me and I told my story why I moved to another place. It had to do with all those incentives of constant loud voices, my weakness to process those incentives and of course my medical background.

Monday I had an appointment with our company´s medical officer. And he told the same I wanted. I had his support! Luckily on Tuesday our manager came with an option to move to a quieter place in another team´s room. Last week we moved our bureau´s and worked on an improvised workplace. But it´s so much better. Hopefully next week everything will be installed.

It were stressful weeks after a superb holiday.

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