Sunday, August 03, 2008

Confidential information

I was just placed some photo's on fotothing. when I noticed that in Belgium campsites have to provide police-authorities with police-notes.
A note on which the traveler has to give private information and his whereabouts. It goes further than the ordinary name, address and nationality. Even the traveler's profession seems to be important. What the heck...I'm traveling-writer and I´m going to Wonderland.

This was the moment something became obvious in my point of view. Is Europe becoming a police-state with an EU-dictatorship? A wise man will say "you'll see".

At work we are transforming to use a kind of Citizen service number. With this number all the information of the Civil Service can be traced and linked to the person concerned. That is scary if you think about it. Big brother is watching us.

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