Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Last year I spoke to someone about everyday problems.
Last week I had a test about my problems with irritations, stimulants. Today I had another test which took 6 hours. So I had to be a bit relaxed.

I took some time to get on the location. When I (bi)cycled to the appointment I suddenly felt a strike against my head. First I looked beside me, nobody to see. Then I heard a bird. I saw a crow flying behind me, attacking me. I tried to hit. it. The animal avoided me. It flew away while I covered my aching head.
The incident kept me busy for another hour.

On my way back home the same bird on the same spot tried to attack me again. I saw him and could scare him off.

Alfred Hitchcock used more birds to scare a villagepopulation... but this bird scared me more than any bird I ever met. It was only a crow.

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