Sunday, February 20, 2011


Today is my brothers birthday.
Tomorrow it's mine and Thursday it's my sisters.
Within 5 days we all have our birthday. It's all very organized and planned. It has some advantages but I never took them for granted.

Another thing, due to the fight with the taxi driver I found a letter in the mailbox today. It's from my work and it announces I can expect an official written warning. I can protest it, but I won't.
I respect the warning and I regret what I've done but I also see it a diploma for climbing Maslow's mountain.
It's only a fall but after that I can take a huge step to become even better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Jan .
wish all the best and wish you good health and the best of evry things

Just to Say Hi ,and telling you that we are right


Dr Human