Sunday, December 30, 2012


This year it was a completely different Christmas. My brother asked me to come over to his house.

His little darling of 16 months was overwhelmed by presents of the family. A nephew commented on facebook if  Santa crashed above his house seeing so many presents.
The food was good and the wine was a kind of heavy for me.
I only slept for 3 hours. A short night it was. :)

The 27th I had an appointment with company which will deliver my kitchen. Some say it's better to have a floor first and then to install the kitchen. That depends I learned. I will have a wooden floor.  Maybe it's better to have the kitchen installed first.
Yesterday I visited a company for wooden floors. It's quite difficult to decide what to choose. Yes I have to make up my mind for what I'll do with the walls and how will the ceiling look like.
Today I visited my house and I saw the fence was opened so I had a look on the building site.  It looks great. The garden has been flattened. If it wasn't winter I could sow the grass seeds.

It's almost New Years Eve. I'll stay at home. It'll be my last one in this house. Kind of sentimental tearyuerking event. O man, I getting old :)

***HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013***


Buzz-meter said...

Main attraction in Netherlands is tulip garden....

Haven House said...

Canal cruse is also enjoyable while tour ...