Sunday, December 30, 2012


This year it was a completely different Christmas. My brother asked me to come over to his house.

His little darling of 16 months was overwhelmed by presents of the family. A nephew commented on facebook if  Santa crashed above his house seeing so many presents.
The food was good and the wine was a kind of heavy for me.
I only slept for 3 hours. A short night it was. :)

The 27th I had an appointment with company which will deliver my kitchen. Some say it's better to have a floor first and then to install the kitchen. That depends I learned. I will have a wooden floor.  Maybe it's better to have the kitchen installed first.
Yesterday I visited a company for wooden floors. It's quite difficult to decide what to choose. Yes I have to make up my mind for what I'll do with the walls and how will the ceiling look like.
Today I visited my house and I saw the fence was opened so I had a look on the building site.  It looks great. The garden has been flattened. If it wasn't winter I could sow the grass seeds.

It's almost New Years Eve. I'll stay at home. It'll be my last one in this house. Kind of sentimental tearyuerking event. O man, I getting old :)

***HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013***

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Cassini, launched in 1997, made 60 photograph and put together this was the result.

An eternal flight into space...

On Oct. 17, 2012, Cassini was deliberately positioned within Saturn's shadow, a perfect location from which to look in the direction of the sun and take a backlit view of the rings and the dark side of the planet. link