Sunday, October 04, 2009


The leaves are falling. The wind blows around the house. Temperatures sank below 10 degrees Celsius. The stove is working again after 5 months. The nights will be cosy again. Yes it's autumn.

In the previous month many things happened. Of course I made my trainings hours on my race-bicycle. Every week a little bit more. The last 2 weeks I rode on Wednesday with the club. Only 70 kilometer because at 8 pm it was to dark to ride.

September 24, the day when I had a severe accident in the past, will always be my day of reflection. This year was a special one. At work we had a day out for the employees, our team. In the afternoon there was a visit arranged to an institute for handicapped people. They were mentally handicapped.
The people who work with the handicapped people welcomed us with the words "welcome in our world" We were supposed to work with the mentally handicapped who were also fysically handicapped.

My task was to make a walk with the people who live in the institute.
A wheelchair and 2 other persons were appointed to me. My colleague had 2 persons and there were employees of the institute. Some people could have epileptic attacks, so instructed personal had to be present.

It made me go back to November, December 1982 when I was "locked up" in an institute for fysically handicapped children (under 18). In that institute was a boy of my age who had a brain-injury. He could almost be one of the visited institute. What "welcome in our world"? It's our world. At least it could have been a part of my world.

This short trip was good for ourselves because it made us think. Also it was good for inhabitants of the institute, they cheered up. It was no team building or a sociable day to a leisure park.

Many things happened I said. Also I will be member of the Works Council of the department I work for. It will start on Monday October 5. Many things to learn, a lot to see. I'm looking forward to it. It's a lot about the organization and the place of the employees in it. The time ahead of us will be one of change and turmoil.

At work we have fixed work places. Again the whole organisation of the place has been altered. My colleague and I had an option on 2 places between we could choose. We have lots of space now. Far above the minimum.

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