Sunday, September 25, 2011


China, Canada and the USA have put pressure on Europe on the IMF summit in New York.
I'm happy with that pressure on and the advice for the delegation of 20 or something! Ministers of Finance got.
Europe is so decisive-less on the crisis with the debt countries in the south.
The European politicians don't decide on the major issues. They postpone the decision how to handle the crisis. In the meantime the crisis on the financial markets deepens.

This is not good for the stability in the world. China, Brazil, India, the USA, Australia, Japan, Indonesia will feel the lack of leadership.
This is the main problem of the EU.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Today is my 30th birthday, my rebirth, a totally new me.
A reboot of the system who I was. It changed me.
Despite my four weeks coma I still work with the same core processor inside.

Since that day plus 24 days I had to learn anything. But almost everything came back in a natural way. I didn't recognize that I worked for it. Children have the willpower go for real limits. Maybe it is one of the evolutionary elements we still have. We struggle through our lives and find way's to live because giving up is no option.

This is also the slogan of the bicycle climb of the Alpe d'Huez.
The ride is meant to earn money for the struggle against cancer.
The goal is to earn more than 30 mil. Euro.

I'll be there on June 7 2012.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

nine eleven

I recorded it in my mind. Some minutes before 15.00 Amsterdam time I came home, turned on the radio and heard that a plane crashed into one of the twin towers. I turned on the TV screen, CNN, and saw the second plane fly into the other sky scraper. I was flabbergasted and knew that it must be an assault.

Yesterday I read through my written diaries and only a couple of day's after the attacks found some words referring to it.
First I compared it with the deaths in wars, later with tragic natural disasters like the Tsunami and the lack of a warning system. And now, 10 years later, I feel the pain of the victims in the towers again. When I saw in the second tower a person waving from a window to draw attention and another person (light trouser, dark shirt and hair-colour) trying to get out but then going in again, I couldn't avoid to cry.

In my country there are more and more measures to guarantee safety.
Yesterday a big helicopter patrolled or searched above the motorway and my neighborhood.
And we never hear the reason why that helicopter flew there simply it made to much noise.

I wonder can't humans be chipped like cats and dogs. Then you know anything about them just by one scan.