Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A special offer......

Our Minister of Integration and foreigner policies, Rita Verdonk, sent away Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Ayaan is a MP of the Netherlands but she has no legal permit to be a Dutch citizenship according to Verdonk. This means Ayaan is an illegal MP, which she is for 3 years now. According to Verdonk she has no right because of the law. But she forgets things like the justification to be Dutch and the fact that she is almost Dutch for 9 years. Only because Ayaan lied about her birthday and full name when she got an asylum A-status (the highest in rank) in 1992 the naturalization in 1997 wasn't legal.
That is a falsification of the truth. Ayaan was known from 1992 on as Ayaan, daughter of Hirsi son of Ali. Under that name she was known. This very name is important for naturalization, because you must give the name under which you are known. And she gave the name everybody knew her.
That she lied (lies about her age and last name) in a previous stadium, when she entered the Netherlands, doesn't matter.

It is sad that we just give away a pearl of civilization, of democrazy. She uses her voice to express herself.
I don't agree with all she says but you got to respect her and that Verdonk doesn't with her ruthless behaviour against Ayaan Hirschi Ali.

Now Ayaan will have to leave the country and like in the 1700's the rejected people went to Holland, she will now seek a podium in the United States. And probably she got one with the think tank of the conservatives.
So the Netherlands got a special offer, handle with care please!

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