Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Yeah I'm back in the saddle of my 'bisikkel'.... It feels good to ride again with the group of 20 or somethin'.
The last 20 days didn't feel good. First of all my bike had pain, secondly I had pain and thirdly the rain showers after the July heath were extraordinary.
Today the yearly time trial was planned and my 10th time wasn't bad. Okay I was slower than last year. It doesn't matter, next year I have something to beat.

Yesterday my mother called. She doesn't know what to do with her possible retirement in 8 months or work another two years. It's a decision which could have financial and emotional consequences. I don't know whether she overlooked it thoroughly.

A colleague told me that without work his life would be very different. A week off is enough for him, then he likes to get back to work.

He told me what he did last week as work for his church. He was witness of clearing 80 graves on the graveyard. They were 40 to 50 years old. All that's left are bones, but in maybe these are the first graves with people who had clothing which hardly decomposes. So he saw bones with white socks still on. Well, have a strong stomach.

And as time ticks further New York will have it's own automatic where you can get food out of the wall. Just put 1,2 dollar in the holder, turn the holder and get the food. We have done it for years already in the Netherlands. Come and try it in Amsterdam.

On the long run you cannot win from the ticking time...

Take care anyone

Monday, August 21, 2006

a relief

What do you do when you read your father is death?
It came by surprise because I don't have any contact with him. It's a shock.
A read a small line on an internet genealogy page where my mothers and fathers name were on. But after my fathers name stood that he passed away. I felt a little uncomfortable. I looked on the net for an adress and telephonenumber of his hote/B&B (he owns it) and called it. I was relieved when I heard his voice.

Never trust information on the internet after checking it.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Thursday, August 17, 2006

6 weeks later

A month ago I wrote about the war between Israel and Hezbollah.
The title I used "the irony of war is that you can win it" revaels itself to me now.
Isn't it strange that both parties say they either won it (Hezbollah) or reached their goals (Israel).
Every party is happy, but what about the cost of life on both sides. More than 1,000 Lebanese died and less than 200 Isreali's were killed. Most of them were civilians.

As long as parties have something to fight for it may cost lifes of civilians... they always bend a wrong result into a positive story. That is why Hezbollah won the war and Israel reached it's goals.
Both parties stories are questionable.

And what now? Does the UN have to go to that no-men's area, and be there as lame ducks?
France seems to be experienced there and actually other countries who have been in Unifil too.
I think the vacuum there isn't good at all. Hezbollah exists with the help of Iran... that must stop. Deplug Hezbollah and install an UN peace corps on short notice. I hope the Netherlands will also contribute.

Sunday, August 13, 2006


In the last weeks I'm seriously looking for a girl... but it's on the Internet. Those dating sites you know. A few years ago I had an account with lexa, one of the datingsites. 20 days ago I had the possibility to try this account for a week.
The quality isn't really bad. It's the quantity I heard from some contacts I've made. Too much reactions.

It remains with contact via MSN. I didn't make an appointment till now. So that's disappointing.
But is it really disappointing? I think that I just don't work hard enough having a date. It isn't a large disappointment actually.
Internet dating is really the easy way out and what do you get that way? Right, not the best there is. However I can always try.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Some people like it.
For the 2nd time in 10 years there was a fire in Hoogkerk.
The smoke came to Assen, 25 kilometer south.
Funny thing is that it told my mother where the fire was and to close the windows.
And I'm 200 kilometer south of the source.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Fysically, mentally and chemically

Of course the previous post is naive and cynical.
If the world stood still there wouldn't be any war. When there were no humans there would be no war.
No war on this planet is an illusion. And when war is over generations later feel the negative consequences a Norwegian survey learned.
The wars of today are the wars of my grand-children. They have a stake in the upbringing of all today's and tomorrows kids. If it's not fysically or mentally, it's chemically.

If my recollection is right a researcher discovered by accident in a tiny little village kept away in the mountains in Norway that malnutrition in the youth of the grandparent cause problems with their grandchildren.