Thursday, August 17, 2006

6 weeks later

A month ago I wrote about the war between Israel and Hezbollah.
The title I used "the irony of war is that you can win it" revaels itself to me now.
Isn't it strange that both parties say they either won it (Hezbollah) or reached their goals (Israel).
Every party is happy, but what about the cost of life on both sides. More than 1,000 Lebanese died and less than 200 Isreali's were killed. Most of them were civilians.

As long as parties have something to fight for it may cost lifes of civilians... they always bend a wrong result into a positive story. That is why Hezbollah won the war and Israel reached it's goals.
Both parties stories are questionable.

And what now? Does the UN have to go to that no-men's area, and be there as lame ducks?
France seems to be experienced there and actually other countries who have been in Unifil too.
I think the vacuum there isn't good at all. Hezbollah exists with the help of Iran... that must stop. Deplug Hezbollah and install an UN peace corps on short notice. I hope the Netherlands will also contribute.

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