Wednesday, September 06, 2006

being watched by secret service

It may be normal that since my contact with Ocean I have more Iranian readers. I think it's funny because I really don't know the person behind the viewers.
They might be anxious and curious to know how life is in Europe, or with who my contact in the United States is dealing with. Just someone from Iranian University or a integer colleague of the Iranian Government!
It could also be not curiosity, but professionality. The person might be a secret service employee!
It could be anyone. A mother in law? Who knows.

But let me tell you about a short discussion on my work this afternoon. It started with the JFK murder and the conspiracy theory. The real murderer has been jailed and he told in 1994 he killed JFK. For what it 's worth.
The discussion jumped to the Twin Towers and the conspiracy theory about 911.
My colleagues can't believe Bush ordered that assault. And the plane that crashed in the Pentagon, where are it's wings on moment of crashing into the building?
What about the plane that crashed in the field after a struggle between passengers and the hijackers, where are the motors?
Questions that are asked by criticasters of the inquiry.

Than we jumped to women that wear those scarfs. I saw a picture in the paper of a muslima in a special bathing suit for muslimwomen. Seeing that I said that it didn't suit because of the muslimrules. Women are not allowed to show their bodylines. A female colleagues got very angry on muslimmen. They are the problem for women to be free.
She named countries like Pakistan, Saoudi Arabia and Iran. No not Iran I said, Iran is quite developed. Tonight I'm not sure however.
But we all know the student in my office so time ago who wore a headscarf too and a colleague told about a Muslim colleague he saw again complete with headscarf. Why do they wear those scarfs. Mainly because of the men in their part of society. They are watched. If not by their brothers then by other relatives.

So, I'm gonna watch the football game Holland- Bela Russia.