Friday, June 18, 2010


The elections were on a Wednesday last week.. The previous post was on the Monday before I think.

Conservative right lost half of their seats. I expected a big loss, so this is their reward for 8 years of bad government. The sad thing is that the ultra conservative wing almost tripled their seats from 9 to 24.
The party I chose didn't loose as much as expected and is a certain winner.

Now politicians have to work to come to a quick solution and put together a brave new cabinet which makes the necessary decisions to get out of the mess we're in.
Hopefully there will be a purple wind. Purple because of the parties, progressive right joining progressive left, green and liberal left.

Wednesday I spoke a few words with E. as I call her, no she didn't go with me to vote. After that I didn't see her for a week. Two days ago I was at my old department and spoke E. again about the election. She laughed.

About the change in department, it's now a month that I'm working on the other side. It almost feels like the other side. The opposite party. Yesterday I had a quarrel, a dispute with a colleague of my old department. It's one of the bottlenecks of the new work routine I should report.

Slowly everything breaks apart. On sensible moments I can spend a tear about that feeling. Hear me, I don't complain, I have more possibilities than ever. And with the Works Counsil I have plenty to do.

I wonder how the elections in California were, but in Holland we were almost screwed with a monstrous Cabinet. I keep my breath the next weeks.

These roller coaster ride makes me to grab my bike and cycle. the last 10 days I cycled more than 500 k after work.

So if you're busy try to relax sometime, sport, go for a walk,

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