Saturday, February 18, 2006


I just visited my webstat-counter and analysed that my visitors don't visit my page mainly on the words Mohamed and cartoon. Maybe the ratio (another word) becomes more important.
It's strange though that Canada outperformed the UK. Most Visitors come from the United States. But they too search on Mohamed and cartoon.

I got one visitor of Iceland. Hallelujah, that makes 2 on the overall list. But more important, in Iceland they are interested in Europe too. They should be, they are Europe.

1. cartoon.....14
2. mohamed.....14
3. MOHAMED..... 4
4. CARTOON......4
5. 4............2
6. renault......1
7. jylland......1
8. spain........1
9. +telefonica..1
10. carbomb.....1

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