Wednesday, May 30, 2007

BNN's great Donorshow

In Holland people are some what strange sometimes... A lot of commotion is going on concerning a televisionshow. In this show a person who has a short time to live wants to donate a kidney to a person who is on the list to get a donor kidney. The giver can choose out of 3 possible receivers and public can vote for who'll be transplanted.

The public broadcastcorporation who will transmit the show (BNN) also says it is untasteful and disgusting but it's better than the truth.
Too many people don't have a donorcertificate (or donorcodicil as we call it) and say no against giving away vital organs after death.
Also the system of being donor is questionable. If it were an opt-out system more transplants might be possible. Now we have an opt-in system and if people don't have a codicil family will have the final word and that is losing essential time for donation I think.

In the Netherlands we have a shortage of organs to be transplanted. It could be more if the community was informed better and the system worked better.

Maybe the great Donorshow will raise enough publicity to change the system and the attitude of the people....

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