Friday, June 08, 2007

A day at the office

What a day, for the 1st time this year 31C .... I took a day off on recommendation of my co worker. I had time for cycling and I did. After changing the old brakes for new ones on the bicycle I could fly again after 2 weeks having no racing bike.

Racing 40k/hr on a light bike with small wheels, the shoes are connected via a click-on system with the bike's pedals, wearing a helmet as protection in case of a fall, short and shirt made of ultra light fabric. These statistics make the rider one with the bike. If the bike flies, the rider flies too.
This is what I did at noon and after exactly 1 hour, no second more, I was back home. I did a short trip to try the new prepared bike. A trip of 31.2 kilometer.

I cycled fast, maybe because of yesterday when I had a short clash with a colleague S. I don´t know how I should interprete the (re)action of my colleague S.

It was about coffee. I asked if my co worker wanted coffee. S. answered that he should have one, but he's not my co worker. After numerous times that my co worker and I served coffee for our room (the 2 of us and for 3 other colleagues including S.) I decided to get coffee for my co worker and myself and walked out of the room. S. ran after me, took another route and stood at the coffee machine with a pokerface waiting for another colleague (who didn't know anything what has happened). I asked him if I could get my coffee right after him. He said yes of course. Leaving colleague S. behind me.
S. and I had a short coffee mug fight, clinging with the mugs. S. won, he got his expresso.
I porred him and some coffee was wasted on the floor. Maybe that made S. angry. In his eyes I saw anger and I was astonished as well as anxious. I was in a defense mode. Standing a few metres away from him, he kicked me with his feet. At least he tried and that doesn't feel okay.

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