Sunday, February 15, 2009


What did Darwin think when he wrote things down in his dairy when the Beagle took him to undiscovered places? He collected material which he brought back home. That material he studied and compared. I don't know exactly how he did it, but at the right moment he wrote his book On The Origin Of Species By Means Of Natural Selection.
It was published in 1853 by an editor named John Murray (and coincidental Murray did win the ABN AMRO tennis-tournament in Rotterdam today) From that moment man begin to think about his real origins. The evolution of mankind by coincidence.

A few day's (or night) ago I thought about a girl I studied with in my youth.
By coincidence her name appeared as first name on a list of the school we visited together years ago.
I googled on her name and found that she has a small company (Joe the Plumber like) close to my hometown.

There was more. I learned that she had mental problems for 10 years. She went to the psychologist. Therapy learned her that she hasn't dealt with the past of her grandparent who was in fact a collaborator in World War II.

The strange thing is that she is third generation!
These things live a life in the brains of people and are passed to next generations. Some alterations make mankind better adapted to crises. The evolution hasn't stopped.

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