Saturday, November 20, 2010


Trump might run for president. It wasn't mentioned on the news-channel in my country. Actually it was mentioned as a comic sideline in lay back news show. Nobody knows what it was about cause we don't know much about America. Do we fellow Dutch? Donald Trump might run as a republican candidate for the presidential office. A billionaire focused on money, on the unequal trade balance with China. His only goal is to have the Chinese Yen it's real value. With or without him in the office, there's gonna be a currency war in the end.

Will Trump Triumph?

1 comment:

Ocean said...

Hi Jan,

When Sara Palin wants to run for presidency , I guess any body else can get tempted as well. They think when this idiot has such a big dream why should'nt we?????
I think 2012 election in U.S will be a real circus!!!!!!!!!

God saves us...