Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Feeling better

Yesterday I felt uncomfortable on my day off. I did some things I wanted to put straight (?) and I remember that I cooked very early. So the evening lasted quite a while. Maybe that's where I wanna go. Having dinner not at a Mediterranean time but just at 6 pm Dutch time!
Today I went to work and I have to say that my hip bone aches a lot.
At 4 pm I was at the doctor and he told me that the injury will stay a fortnight.
He also gave me a new tissue for my elbow which I refreshed in the morning. He tore it off my elbow in a split second and put some betadine (lotion) on it and gave it a new tissue.
I'm a little relieved now that this week I can go cycling again. But first I got to buy a new helmet.