Friday, July 08, 2005

Terrorism in Europe?

Well, I don't know if the Bin Laden lookalikes know something about history.

History shows that terrorism only ruled the waves temporarily. Wasn't it the dark ages in Europe when gangs made life unsafe all over Europe. There wasn't any governing body and if there was it was own safety first. We had several wars under which common people suffered but we conquered those difficult episodes.
And look how we are now, Europe is a strong continent, America is too and despite the hardship in Africa people in Africa are proud. Asia overcame their problems.
The only region in today's world which makes problems while they could be wealthy is the middle east. Mainly there are some people there who think different. They tell the world that they won't let the west suffer their country, but in fact their people suffer most under these acts of terror.
It terrorises the Muslim minority in the west. They are afraid that the children won't have equal opportunities and will be neglected.
And also they could be victims of the assault in London. In Madrid Muslims were victims.
In the eyes of the murderers those Muslim victims go directly to the hereafter and receive a dozen virgins?

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