Monday, October 16, 2006

Newspaper cover - history map

In the coming weeks..... going to the general elections on November 22 I'll read the newspaper more often.
I think my entries in this blog will start with headline of the newspaper of that day.

Today it's a 4 columns wide headline about the rent-charge of the Netherlands which doesn't want to be a law.
Our Government has the idea that youngsters don't know history anymore. To change that a Governmental Committee has made a map with pictures for a view on the history of the Netherlands in 50 images.
It should guarantee a common knowledge of history and culture among all Dutch.
It starts with the megalithic chamered tombs in the North East and goes via Erasmus to the VOC, slavery, Napoleon, Rietveld, the great depression, Anne Frank, Annie M.G. Schmidt, the discovery of a large gasreserve to the introduction of the European Euro.

This rent-charge (according to my dictionary) will be discussed I'm sure because many important historical events are not on the map. That's why it ought not to be a law.