Friday, October 27, 2006

newspaper cover: one ministry of Security

Former Minister Elco Brinkman advices the present cabinet to bring together the department of Interior affairs and the department of Justice as one department about security affairs.

Help, Holland is going to transform into the new Romania of Ceausescu with his Securitate! I thought that was irreversible, that the Sicherheitspolizei died with the dismantling of Das grosses Deutches Reich in 1945.
But no, history repeats itself.

And yes, Minister Verdonk, I can compare the measures of this cabinet with those in Germany 1940-1945. And if you don't like it vote another party, or don't take such measures. Be human!

What the advice implies is that all what matters concerning security and savety should be in one Department, everyyhing not directly linked to Security should be in another Department.

Of course there is much to say for this, but their have measures to be taken to secure information is not misused. If it is possible it will happen.