Thursday, October 05, 2006


Tomorrow I'm off, meaning three days being not at the office. Okay, this week was one of getting soaked. September was over and the weather changed dramatically. Day's of thunder and rain, some sunshine too, but mainly rain when I wanted to go home or go to work. Some like days like these. October being the best month? When it's dry and not windy then the it can be nice outside, nature might be beautiful. Almost rewinding May. But this week, with the bad air-conditioning at work, the wetness outside, it was a lost week.

But I was able to cycle after work. It was the coldest ride in 6 months and it was dark early. Pity that the summery days are over. Next Sunday I'll cycle again. In fair weather hopefully.

My co worker has had a telephone call this morning. his son broke his wrist. He should come home to take his child to hospital. It happened in the gym at school. Doesn't bear school the responibility for the child taking him to a hospital?

On the other side work wasn't bad at all. In the silent room, for the 5 of us, we could work with no disturbance. That means continuing work.
As we are all doing our utmost in task groups for the next new task we have to do from January 2007. It's a little bit of chaos in the department. Nevertheless, a friendly chaos. Almost every second week we have an informational -top down- consult of our manager.
I said that we could do with less and proposed once a month and mentioned that the expected return might be lower than expected. Much of the information could be emailed. Also 30 to 40 men is to much in a meeting. We got to split it up and let mutual arrangements do the work. Later, bigger arrangements can be made with delegates of the different task groups. Finally I got an opinion!
I didn't tell that the form we use in these deliberations now is so paternalistic.