Saturday, July 29, 2006

Blogging for peace

Maybe we come to a solution for world-peace when every single person on this earth who could have access to a PC with Internet connection sits behind it and starts a blog about world-peace.
The person will be busy with it all day. Why? Because all day long he (not necessarily a he) thinks about what will be in his blog at the end of the day. So no time for shooting and no time for bombing!

But actually more and more blog write about war, being in it, observing it.
Look on the side bar at
Hnk's blog and aunt Naima.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

World Peace might come about if {we} blogged about it. More importantly it begins with a smile to a stranger, a kind word to another; consistently. A touch, a hug, ... a meaningful glance into a troubled eye. IF everyone helps and produces positive thoughts, even when it hard to do so... The World would turn differently. IF people only would try... and maybe be less-selfish. Negative War Blogs promote distruction even when they are against the distruction... just the thought/reality promotes. ~sad~ {Bravo... on this post, it is worth thinking about}