Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The irony of war is that you can win it

When it is a game, the score is Israel 224 Lebanon 21 in human sacrifices.
It could be David against Goliath. And this time David isn't an Israelite.

World do something about it!

China hasn't a role in it. It treasures it's unbelievable 2nd quarter growth of 11%.
The G8 can't come hardly to a compromise. And as most compromises are soft, Israel can go on to ruin Lebanon.
Stop Hizbullah and Hamas not the Palestinian and Lebanese people!

But as a friend said, when you clean the mess, you'll get dirty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Accurate post. Sad it seems... all of IT. But 'it' has been going on for Grands-in-length-of-Time. Who are we to settle this mess? The problem is... can "we" afford not to get involved with a "BIG-Bomb" looming? "'You' wound Me..... and touch to close and I might bite back". {I don't trust, what I can't see}.