Sunday, December 19, 2010


Last night Europe had some snowfall and everything came to an halt.
Ha ha ha, not everything. Children had a wonderful Sunday. It's also the start of the X-mas holidays. They will have fun in the snow tomorrow too.

This morning I was lucky I found my boots because there was to much snow to go through. I am reading freedom and am in part 2004. The Richard Katz part, he could be my brother making me his older brother Walter ha ha ha.
No I´m kidding, well not really I suppose. His songs could be my poems.

I remember when I studied. In our appartment we lived with 2 girls, another guy and I. I had my study and running. He had his study and a Japanese fighting sport. We didn´t have something in common I think. I was to obsessed with my study and of course my stepmother. In fact I was dependend on her. I was 21. This was no freedom. And now I have no freedom too Tomorrow another workingday. Which I don´t like.

Today I found a document on which written down I contacted the Catholic Univerity Brabant. 17 Years back or so I contacted them for a study Economy.
I overestimated myself probably.

Richard Katz...keith Richards is to easy for such a novel.

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