Monday, December 27, 2010


Today I worked. I just started and payed a lot of bills.
Tomorrow I'm a day off work. I got something else to do.

This afternoon I phoned my mother to say I wanna come over to discuss some things.
It was an unusual short call and shortly after that call she called back.
She was a bit agitated and wanted to know what it was where I wanted to talk about.
Did she feel a bit hostility from my side? Who knows. But I would let the bygones be bygones. She said that I was strictly business and that she would like to know what it was about. If she knew, she could prepare herself.

I would speak with her about the bad dream of some time ago, the dentist, all about Fennie (she doesn't know that she and I said goodbye 17 years ago) and that I want to get back in touch, my work, the book of Jonathan Franzen (The death of Lalitha felt like a stab in my heart.)
I told her that it's only about my worries.
(Her violent divorce has hurt all her children, but that is bygone.)

This is how I try to get my life on track.

1 comment:

Ocean said...

Hi jan,

Good luck to you on the talks with your mOm. I myself whenever talk about unpleasent things of the past with my Mom usually does not have a good ending. She becomes too defensive!! Any how sometimes it is good to talk about our feelings and worries with someone. If that will comfort you don't hesitate to do that.

Take care