Thursday, November 10, 2005


My colleague has been buried today. Actually she's been crematated.
Our almost complete department was there. Some words were said and a couple of songs were played, I heard Gun's & Roses and Led Zeppelin. A colleague said it was hard-rock, she visited hundreds of concerts like those.
I don't call that hard rock, it's middle of the road music. Probably some minds don't agree with that.
Our secretary bought enough white roses for everyone of us to lay on the coffin at the end of the ceremony. It was good to be at the funeral allthough I was only one of the hundreds.
Well, it's a little sad but our colleage was not even buried and her succeeder was introduced to us yesterday. It was all in the pipeline and she only starts in January.
The head of our division attended the ceremony too. Even the head of the section under which our division falls was there. I think that's a great step, especially if you know that she is the new head and doesn't know my fallen colleague at all.
You can't say that of all colleagues who didn't attend the ceremony. They skipped the funeral. And those colleagues call themselves Christian.

Well I remember the words of the family spokeman who said "Why is such a fine woman threated so badly in life. It started whith Children's rheumatic pains. She fought it, accepted the pills and overcame it. Now her life ended with this cancer. This is really a Goddamned life."

Maybe I can do something with these quotes:

Own the best of breed; don't own too many stocks
Don't buy all at once; arrogance is a sin
Cash and sitting on the sidelines are fine alternatives
Never subsidize losers with winners
When high-level people quit a company, something is wrong
Look for broken stocks, not broken companies
Bulls and bears make money; pigs gets slaughtered

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