Monday, November 28, 2005


The advantage of waking up a little earlier than expected is that one can start earlier at work, or having more time to get awake at home.
I divided the 3 quarters I was awake before the buzzer over the 2 parts.
I made myself a plate with a warm porridge and knäckerbröd, saw the breakfastnews and went to work.
It was silent there at arrival. 2 Colleagues sat there in the dark and told that the system was malfunctioning. Walking to my bureau I saw other colleagues sitting in the light and working. Though the system was out they could do other rthing on the computer and the had non system work.
I started up my computer and thought about week, also a Monday, when the system was down. If you know how much serious problems the system gives then, I thought at work, at what moment is it neccessary to update the system. The previous system was updated several times and lived it's own life. I can imagine that this present system goes it's own way if the don't control it. But this is a side-line.
Today the system was back online after 20 minutes. (exactly my extra time) Today was the first day that I damned the system. The vulnerabilty and the slowness of it are the 2 points of reconsideration if it is a perfect system for us.

The answer is that this isn't. Of course I would almost say. GWS4All is sacked.
But the supplier, Centric, doen't hear me I think. And if they read this post they won't do anything with the complaint (that's why Centric is mentioned, cause Centric sucks. Yes this is true.).

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