Tuesday, November 15, 2005

This is what I don't want to talk about

I was slow this morning, 15 minutes later than normal I arrived at work though I stood up 10 minutes earlier.
That was the tone which could be heard the whole day.
A whole corner with colleagues were late and when the last arriving colleague said "hé you all are early", they admitted later that they arrived late too. It must be the weather because we all individually decided to turn around one more time.
I mention the weather because it was nasty outside, it drizzled and was cold.
No wonder that the highways had traffic-jams. Many people took their car which they do seldomly and that at the same moment. But luckily the jams were only a third of the worst length we once had.
In fact the term traffic jam is really very wide. What is a jam? Is it a constant riding stream of cars at 20 k/hr?
Does the jam have to come to a complete standstill at some places to define the flow of cars as a traffic jam?
What is the definition of a traffic jam? Here it's almost synonym to everything comes to a halt and the air condition is a nightmare. It means going home early and being home late. Making plans is impossible, people can't rest and get stressed with all negative symptoms.
The Netherlands got to do something about their jam & traffic congestion problems very urgently.

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