Wednesday, January 19, 2011


A long time ago there was a house in a man made forest. I was afraid of the house. In the house lived a family. That family had 2 lovely daughters. The path leading to the house started at the public road. At the junction of the path and the public road there was a farmhouse.

After the divorce of my parents I went to that farmhouse. I learned something about farm life, country life. I learned the language of my parents. I learned something from the bible, being in a church, going to school on a Sunday. I learned how it feels to be the best in class. I learned how not to make love to a lovely girl in a cornfield. I learned the difference between life and death. I learned the difference between snowfall and a blizzard. I learned about the danger of a storm.
I killed fish and nurtured calves. I chased birds to be shot by hunters. I stole bird eggs from nesting birds. I learned how to ride an unsaddled horse.

That year I've had no fear while my parents had a fight. While my lil sis and lil bro lived in the house we used to live in as a family. This continued for more than a year. That year I felt that I lost family life. And I wept about it, silently.
That year was also the most fantastic year in my life in which I don´t want to play a part in again.

Back to the house in the man made woods there once lived my great grandmother. I didn´t know that history in those days. It was a year of the contrasts, the good and bad side.

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