Saturday, January 29, 2011


Woke up this morning with the 9 am radio newsbulletin. The first I heard was that Iran executed Zahra Bahrami. A Dutch national who was born in Iran.
I shiverred and it's not the first time with such bad news from Iran. It's not confirmed yet by the Dutch embassy so there is still hope.

* Execution by hanging has been confirmed and the most exterme Dutch party has said that we should expel the Iranian ambassador.

This is the nightmare every person could find himself in, esspecially with double nationality. The Netherlands warns nationals with also an Iranian nationality not to go to the land of origin.
This is so absurd. I heard that just yesterday there were movements in the juridical field. That possibly triggered her execution by the ones who wanted her dead.
This is a foreign political game. The Netherlands should remain giving shelter to the surpressed in the world. Calling the ambassador back home isn't a wise thing because you have to stay on spreaking terms. Even if the other country has different values.

* update January 31 2011 Bahrami is convicted to have smuggled almost 16 kilograms cocaine into the Netherlands in 2003.

1 comment:

Ocean said...

Hi Jan,

That is such a sad news. Iranian government has been executing one person almost every 8 hours since the begining of 2011. I hope what we see in Egypt happens in Iran again.