Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Speak English lads,

......Jan is coming, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
When I pass by my colleagues they often say these words. It must be because of my blog. I have to smile about that.
Yes, the future is less bright, democratic America lost. Kerry accepted his defeat.
It's a pity for the world, it's a pity for America.
But let's keep our heads up. Be proud to defend your values and morals as a democrate. I'm proud to be European-Dutch.
(Oops, I becoming more and more a nationalist)

It must be the murder of Theo Van Gogh which my changed my attitude to the world, Muslim fundamentalism and the need of freedom of speech.
Van Gogh was our opinionmaker, he spit out what wasn't allowed to be said. He was a revolutionary, but nobody dare to follow. He was the fool in the village, everyone knew him and no one would harm.
He did his work to come up for our rights of freedom of speech by the art work Submission part-1.

This day was not a day of laughter. Sadness came over me.
Yeah, but I won a trophy for rider with most bad luck.

Don't grieve too long over there...
We don't too.


Jan said...
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Jan said...

Thanks for reading. I quickly made up my mind and react on you calling us complacent.

Excuse me... do you know the number of military we got in Afghanistan and Iraq? The US efforts are marginal compared with the destruction. Iraqi kids of 16 can be easily turned in the same islamofascist who killed Van Gogh. Your polici has to be changed, because with every terrorist you kill, you create 10 new terrorists. Look at Israel, in the first intifada I spoke a 7 years old Palistinian boy. There was a lot of anger in him. Now he's about 25. What do you think has become of him? He killed himself in a suicide attack some time ago.

You cannot blame all Muslims of an action of one or some extremists. The Muslim society is shocked too. Muslims of my age (born after 1970) are mostly born in The Netherlands and have recognized this country as their country. When they die they will be buried here.
They got equal opportunities and chances. In some cases there is racism in getting a job, in nightlife, in sports, etcetera. I'm aware of that.