Monday, January 03, 2005

Being creative...

.... to give more to Asia.
Of course everyone has from time to time an idea to be better off financially.
I had one that's needs cooperation of the people who want to take advantage of my ingenuity. -Someone- has to say it!
In the Netherlands gifts to charity are tax-deductible for the amount above 2% of ones annual gross income.
So if the cooperators give money to our national charity organization for Asia, they should give the money to one person in a group who can transfer the total amount of money to the account of the charity organization. For example if the highest tax level is 50% (the maximum in the Netherlands), 50% can be claimed if the amount is more than the 2% burden.
This 50% can be a gift again next year.
The pity is that one got to earn a lot of money to exceed the 50% tax level
The people who do that don't have to use this cooperation.
The people for whom it could work earn too little that it's not worth it and the taxcollector won't accept high amounts of gifts without any questions.
Theoretically it might work, but practically it doesn't.