Monday, January 17, 2005


Today is my day off. It's good. Some music, no sun, time for doing the things I don't have time for.
For instance my Lg monitor malfunctions. When I'm busy behind the screen the view suddenly fades away. And after minutes it's black but not for long.
I called LG electronics and as they have a service center which brings a revised screen in return for this broken one I'm a little bit pleased or satisfied with this 3 year service/guarantee. But in fact I paid for it.

Also I could do some paperwork, my pension (It will be grown to a reasonable amount when I'm 64) Have a look at my stocks, they grow too, but they give me work to do.
In 2004 I had a better performance than ABP, one of the world's largest superannuationfunds. They control, supervise over 150 billion Euro.

Just did a stock transaction, I sold 2000 Euro in a bankingcorporation and suddenly realized how it would be not having the capacity to do these things. It would be horrifing not to be seen as a normal person, not being capable of doing transactions on your own.
But in moments of selfreflection I'm asking myself how am I doing.
The answer is O.K.A.Y

Sometimes I'm afraid to transact, it gives so much pressure. I can't make up my mind. I have to think about something for so long that when I've an answer the moment is gone.
So a couple of years ago I started to speed up my action and reactions.
This is one of the reasons why I got the job I'm doing right now.
So a little change in attitude or behavior can have a huge effect on personal life.