Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Instead of warfare

Just thought 0.000001 second it was December. All the misery. It's spinning in my head all the time.
I don't like to watch the evening news. I've seen too many corpes of dead people. They can be found in the most impossible positions.

In a village half an hour drive from a mayor tourist town in Thailand people don't do anything with the bodies. They don't bury them, just cover them with plastic, a cloth or palmbranches.
The army over there has no eye for the death. They just care for the recovery of the motor of one of their speedboats.

And the head of a village on Sumatra begs to burn the death. But as they are Muslim the death have to be cleaned in a proper way and should then be buried.
This shows the inflexibility of Islam. People who rot away can not to be cleaned, washed or whatever. To prevent spreading diseases they should be burned.

Hopefully the world will offer a lot of money to do the right thing instead of warfare.

All Americans I ask not to be so naïve to watch FOX news and to believe the things they're saying, the supposed facts about the Netherlands, my country and Anne Frank's. Everything this newsstation puts in the air is covered with a dark black extraordinary conservative sauce.
The station is the litmuspaper of American attitude. And that minds me that the state is bad, very bad, I sorry.
My country is pure. The inhabitants do their utmost when others are in despair.
My country is curious, my country tollerates other opinions, my country is in some way smart enough to see that we can't cope with the USA, but that's not we're less. It's because we're smaller.