Wednesday, January 19, 2005


This day I fooled myself.
I wanted to wake up at 6.58 am, when my alarm went off I thought to sleep for 5 minutes.
No way, 110 minutes later I woke up for the second time. I immediately called my co worker that I slept a little too long.
That messed up my day. I worked till 5.30 pm. Happily there was a lot of work to do.

Yesterday Ayaan Hirsi Ali started work again in our Parliament. But today was her first day without the necessary pressconference, etcetera. Well, she was welcomed warmly and stated that she would go on fighting against the extremes of Islam.

I can say ..."Some people say..." but that is the voice of the right wing... here in the Netherlands as well as in the United States.
I just say that there is a possibility that her party sees her as a heavy weight they wanna loose. Without security she's an easy target for fundamentals who want to do her something. Life will be difficult for her as we all can see.

Btw. the upper photo I use as a screen template.