Sunday, May 29, 2005

Extra update

The pollingstations in France are closed since 10 pm this evening.
The exit polls says that the NO-campaign will win.
If so the Dutch referendum means nothing. A Yes or a No will be irrelevant for the ratification of the new and better EU-Constitution.
The only thing is that Europe can blame France for the NON.
There is no plan B was said by politicians. So in fact we didn't and don't have any choice to accept the Constitution. For many French this must be a reason to vote No. Other reasons they have is that much workforce goes to the east of Europe where the payload is much lower. Also the bureaucracy will be a splinter in the eye.

For the Dutch it is almost the same. Almost proudly someone in a radio panel said that France and the Netherlands have the same attitude.
But a winning NO campaign in France makes it much easier for the Dutch to vote for want they think the vote is worth it.

One can say that a YES vote will make Europe stronger. There will be a EU foreign minister. For the outside world he will be the face of Europe. Maybe that is a kind of windowdressing, but certainly it makes foreign policy much easier.
On the other hand one can say that a NO vote will be a blamage for the head of state (weather it'll be France, Denmark, the Netherlands, etcetera). This is the opportunity to say no to the Government.

In my view I think the Dutch will vote NO, because the Constitution is not well written. The vote doesn't really count when the French say NO and our minister-president says that his prestige in Europe is in our hands. And many of his don't want him to have any prestige.

Yes, France makes my decision much easier. Merci Beaucoup. Wednesday I'll vote No too.

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