Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Today at work we learned that we are going to strike for a day! Yahoo, strike!
Okay we're striking because our payment will be raised bij only 0.43%. That is almost nothing. The inflation rate is 1.6%. So our average NET buying power decreases this year with 1%.

I had a critic about yesterdays post:
Very Nice and "thought provoking" post. I also hope the world is sensitive to individuals. Unfortunately, I don't think the greater part of IT is. Our world is so pushed and fast. Our News is not pleasant. We see hurt/death/murder/children killed... We see untruths/neighbors against neighbors. When all that is thrown on us, people step back and retreat. People don't offer themselves to another without reservation. Why jump into a fire if you don't have to. THAT is unfortunate... learning and growth take risk. It is how invention and love developes. It IS people such as yourself{and others} that TRY, that make a difference and a better world. Keep up your thoughts and positive thinking... IT is bound to make a difference! Best Back... :-}

The best critic I ever had. So my English is improving? Can I really write down my thoughts? Well for a Dutchie it isn't bad at all.

Still 3 weeks to go for the cycle tour to Switzerland.
You know, in Great Worldwar II many Jews in the Netherlands who didn't feel save here, tried to go to Switzerland.
I thought it was a very great distance until I learned about a cycling track of about 650 kilometers through Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany, France and at last Switzerland. In Basel (Switzerland) I'll cycle back to the Netherlands.

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