Friday, February 18, 2005

Cancer, a sledge hammer

Yesterday we got bad information about a colleague. I call her B.
The past two years she struggling against cancer in B.'s body.

It's worse than I expected. In fact I never knew how bad it is.
Actually both breasts are amputated some years ago. The cancer cells came back. Two years ago B. had chemotherapy.

B. never showed how hard it is and kept working just days after the therapy's.
In November she felt a certain pain in her shoulder and neck.
Doctors didn't make a checkup but send B. for some physio-massage.

B., a very emancipated woman, didn't ask for a immediate checkup. For a while the therapy worked but in December the pain came back. And when the doctors finally understood the seriousness B. had to wait weeks.
This altogether took 3 precious months, which might be decisive for B.'s life.

The cancer has grown and on scans it's not visible. Samples showed new cancer cells.
It's worse now. And B. thought that yesterday she would undergo her final operation to get the cancerous tumor out of her body.

Now it has to be radiated and after that operated. Bus first B. has to wait several week for the wound to heel. Then she has to undergo the whole process again.
It's a horror.
When cancer comes back it is like a sledge hammer and destroys everything on its path.