Sunday, February 20, 2005

Not amused

The mayor and her deputies as well as the local representatives are planning to create a fly-over.
They think that there will be less or even no traffic congestion.
On the other hand the local government will close one slip road to mayor highway A2, destination Amsterdam. All the traffic destined for Amsterdam has to go to the other slip road. This means they take the lane I'm living at.

This weekend we've a kind of test. From 9 am to 8 pm there is a traffic jam in front of my house. I think about inviting the mayor to my house to let her experience the problems.
I want a noise prove house. No, suddenly I want to emigrate to a place were nothing happens at all. On the foot of the Rocky mountains, a place called Horburg in Canada.

Today I cycled a bit earlier. That means I had only one instead of more rain and hail showers. I've been to one of the big rivers which form the delta The Netherlands really is. It appeared that the old bridge is out of use.

The 2 bridges.

The church on a Sunday in Lexmond, taken from the dike.