Friday, August 12, 2005

Weekend, family

What's a weekend worth when it will be rainy, windy and miserable?
That's a moment when your mother invites herself.
I thought that they would go on a short holiday with the brand new camper but they won't. Now they come over here a couple of hours on their way to The Hague.
I could say pass my door please, but isn't that denial of your own mother?
She remains my mother, in spite of the past.
I've been to her place in May. In the midst of July it's time to go back I thought. The weather prevented all this. Now initiative is at her side. That doesn't happen very often.
My sister complained a lot about her attitude. She's so selfish my sister told. But I don't see it like that. She's always willing to help but on her own conditions. She want the best for her children. (don't all mothers want that?)

My sister though misused that helping hand.
The last thing my sister told me was that a girl or woman goes her own way and doesn't stay with her own mother. She chose the side of a Tusenian Frenchman and the family of that man is more important. She said that she preferred the North African culture above the Dutch culture. Okay, on can respect that.....though the way she said goodbye/farewell wasn't really respectful. If something end with a big bang it might be for her more easy to forget.
For me she already slipped away in 10 years or so.

So Ocean, sometimes it's good to stay close with your family and sometimes your in-laws get your best friends.

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