Wednesday, August 10, 2005

working, cycling and investments

Today I cycled with the Nightingale-riders. We rode out of town through the countryside. The first part I was a front rider. Together with a teammate we maintained an average of 36 k/hr. But after 15 kilometers it went wrong. One rider fell and came with his hand in the wheel of a rider in front of him. We called for medical assistance but it took 20 minutes for them to come. Luckily there was a cardriver who saw it happen. She could provide the unfortunate with an improvised cushion and another driver had a cloth in his car.
When the ambulance arrived the driver parked his car for savety on the middle of the road.
A cardriver who didn't like that too much tried to pass the ambulance knowing that she couldn't get through. When she did it the second time I asked her to keep her patience. She told that she lives very near and wants to go home and then she tells about the BMW parked on the road so that the ambulance has no space.
(The BMW was the scapegoat, people always try to find one)

The lady had no reason. Later an Italian teammate told me that he didn't like that lady. He didn't many words for it -een kutwijf-. One member down on the ground with 7 cyclist, 2 medics and 2 cardivers around him and she complaining that she can't pass. Beyond any reason.

Well, the stocks are surging (are going up). I wanted to make a switch-order tonight but it's too late now. Tomorrow I got to go to work again.

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