Saturday, September 18, 2004

North America.

The United States of America stood in the middle of the dreams of many Europeans. After that and still Canada was a country for Europeans to emigrate. Still farmers emigrate to Canada to get rid of the EU legislation on farming and agriculture. Canada seems to be the land of plenty. Just as the US were before.

But now I don't hear,read and see people to emigrate to the far west. Are they afraid, don't they feel the need to emigrate or do they feel at home in a new Europe?
I think Europeans still feel their country is their home, not Europe. Though I feel as if Europe is my country and The Netherlands is were I live. The world is very small nowadays. Europe can be seen as a country with many differences.
When your 1200 K from home it's still Europe and you can do the same you do 100 K away. What's the difference. Europe is becoming more and more one nation.

I think there is less emigration of native Europeans. I think it's because of the fact that Europe has so much to offer. The nation develops itself. Maybe not quick, but as an oiltanker at sea it can't be stopped.

However there are some commentaries on this subject of globalization, for example by John Stiglitz (on my bookshelf)

the dude was here too

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