Saturday, September 25, 2004

Spent a lot of money

Today I spent some money on what's my so called hobby, cycling. He costs over the 1,000 euro, without accessories, such as new shoes and pedels.
With this bike I'll compete with some riders in the B-group. With an average speed above 30 k an hour on a track of 82 k. Next week I'll have him in my stable.
Also I remember that next Saturday, with the big demo in Amsterdam, I cannot go to the store to pay for the bike and take him home.
No, Friday October 1 I need to go home earlier.

I also went to the grocery to get some food for the weekend. Milk, Yoghurt, concentrated tomato, Brocolli, chop(meat), banana, paprika, beet, butter, champignons, currant bun and some huge cookies. Tonight I'll eat some macaroni with cumcumber and flesh tomato with garlick.

But now I have to ride a few kilometers if you mind.

BTW Caren, are you a little bit afraid of dentists?

the dude was here too

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