Thursday, September 23, 2004

To decide to get soaked.

Autumn has started just before the 21st of this month and since then we had a lot of rain on the wrong moments. Wrong moments are around the clock of 8 AM and 4 PM. Times to go to work and go home. So one has to calculate when to go to work. Calculation isn't a hobby of me, it's my profession. So it won't be hard however to decide to go is my worst part. I admit occasionally I get soaked. But that's a decision I made.

Since Monday the weather is bad. But the funny thing is that it will be dry and sunny on 25 and 26 September. So cycling with LE will be again with beautiful clear skies and good view.
Right now the sun shines directly in my livingroom. No, I'm not going to cycle rite now sun.

What about the female prisoners in Iraq? Will they see the sun or will the Blair sacrifice the Briton?
One thing is for sure two have been killed and the world stood there.

Tomorrow will be a day as any other but in my life September the 24th has a history which started back in 1981.

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