Sunday, September 19, 2004

What a beautiful day...

What a day, despite it was late last night and I drank a lot of wine, it was a pretty short night in which I slept very well. Happily my downstair neighbour doesn't cough so much lately (her bronchitus lasted the whole summer)
I woke up a bit early and the sun was shining. Weatherservice didn't forecast that. All blue skies. I could see the skies over Rotterdam, The Hague, Amsterdam, the shore, you name it.

So I had work to do, clean my livingroom, wash the dishes and prepare myself for the 5th ride with "ledig erf". This time I was going to ride with the group and stay with them till the finish and have a beer.

Well I did it and for 86.74 K I needed 2 hours, 58 minutes and 11 seconds, that is 29.21 K an hour. My topspeed was 51 K an hour. My total distance is 26.511 K of which 2800 K this year.

Yes it was a beautiful day with interesting people.

Yes this morning I had again a moment of total happiness, maybe it was the sun shining through the window of my livingroom while I was drinking a cup of coffee, or it was the cloudiness deepblue sky with different coloures of green in the gardens I'm looking on. Wonder what brings happiness to my house. The wine did its work?

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