Monday, September 05, 2005

It's a summerday

It's warm, a summer-day and still there are people who catch-ed a cold or have a flu.
The air-conditioner in the bus to Rotterdam made some of us sick.
Not me, I only got a twisted wrist. I don't know what happened but all sudden I got it yesterday. Tonight I slept with an ankle bandage around my wrist to keep it stable. Maybe it worked it was able to type today... and that with more than 1 finger. ;)
I had a typing class when I was on the secondary school. I didn't have do the final test because I was hardly capable to type with my left hand due to brain damage.
I attended that class and I learned some basics. IN fact now I try to type more or less the 10 finger system. But doesn't work outr that way because the righthand side is quicker and I'm right oriented.
It's not a real problem. I know that many more type with less than 10 fingers, if not all of us.

Tomorrow is a tuesday. I think I gonna try the time trial with the Nightingale riders, just to improve my last years time.

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