Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The time trial

There were 10 men and 1 woman who cycled the time trial of Oukoop.
And I was 4th
6 kilometer in 9 minutes 40 seconds. That results in 37.241 kilometers an hour.
It means 57 seconds faster than April

I could have gone faster, but who cares?

The winner did it in 8'57"

Spoken about Trial. Saddam Hussein does still have to face trial even if he committed the gaz attacts on the Kurds in Northern Iraq.
He's still a tiran. No wonder that in his country there was no crime. Tirans have children like Evil, Hatred, Fear, Uday and so on. But the tiran is everywhere. But mostly he is at his best at unstable places. In countries where his children Evil, Fear and Hatred already are.
Thats why the only way to end attrocities in Iraq is to send stabilzation Forces and to start a Charm Offensive to win the hearts of the common Citizen.

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