Thursday, October 14, 2004

Cycling in the rain?

Yeah, I'm gonna cycle a few kilometers It depends on how late it starts raining.


at 5.30pm I was ready. I decided to cycle along the canal. All flat (besides 2 bridges) In Houten, a commuter village for the workforce in Utrecht, in had 31 minutes on the clock and it started to rain. That was the signal to turn back. The same route back with an extra bonus of 2 k along the Amsterdam-Rhine canal. Then a short climb cross the canal. At 6.40 pm I was back home.
Showering, cooking, watching part of a movie and updating my blog. Reminds me to do some laundry.

32.25 kilometers
29.34 k/hr
1.06.11 hr
46 k/hr (max)
221 k on bike 2
3115 k (total cycled in 2004)

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